more than a day pack
March 12, 2024
Evan reminds me that it's all coming my way because I'm a hard worker and didn't give up. He really has been my number one fan the last few years. Noticing my talent and how hard I hustle and wishing that I could land something(s) good — because he says I'm damn good at what I do.
Wow, I'm sounding like such a sensitive soul. But that's who I am. And creatives need this extra tender loving care.
The newness of it brings an extra goop of ooey to the gooey butter cake. Boy does a slice of that sound so good right now! That shit is so bad for you, though. I remember making it once and being shocked at the amount of sugar and butter that went into it.
I bring light, love and so much joy. I also bring raunch, edginess and a shit ton of adventure. I can't not.
I’ll never forget Larry’s ingenious words of wisdom, "If you think you dropped something, you probably did."
I can't leave my baggage unattended, people. And by baggage I don’t mean it in the negative way, I mean it in the full package that is me. I'm not going to open my suitcase and take things — core ingredients of my personality — out to make sure I fit the specs or the weigh the weight. I’ll pay to take up more space.
Dropping pieces of me wouldn’t be responsible or fair to me. I take care of my belongings; that which are innately me. My character. My makeup (not the lipstick kind). My all that I am: quirks, kinks, kookiness and all. So even if you do find my bag at the airport, I'm right there with it, I am it. A fully packed fucking adventure pack.