November 28, 2023
New notebook. I think this is my third journal I’ve started since the summer. My last book was shorter, thinner so it was quite quick to get through three pages each morning. This actually might be the biggest I’ve written in. And like every book, I decide my own rules. It’s my life after all.
Like the book’s inside cover reads: “Your life isn’t like anyone else’s. That’s why Day-Timers offers you a completely flexible journal that you can use any way you like. So, truly, it’s all about you.” I think we sometimes forget that. That the lives we’re living are our very own. No one else's. Why do we worry so much about others? Obviously, it’s good to care — to have empathy, compassion.
But I feel like we don't turn that same energy on ourselves as often as we do onto others. -
It’s come about so organically — super fast though — that sometimes I wonder if I just gave up on funesse and used this as a distraction. Writing this out sounds ludicrous. That I actually have been keen to and excited about this new initiative as a means to promote myself and funesse.
I think I’m at a place where I need to buckle down and get all my creations together in a portfolio in order to promote/share what I’ve done and, most importantly, what I can do and am creatively capable of. -
Back to the career stuff. I’m ready to go all out there as me, myself and my Art, words, intelligence, confidence to tell my services as a creative coach, to be a stand in creative director/producer/empowerer.
I hope my friends are also excited to have me back in Berlin.
I could have ended my Morning Pages there. Pretty solid “closure” to today’s chapter, but I love to give myself a challenge. I also like to stick with my word. And writing three pages worth of MPs has been the ritual for about a year now, no matter the size of the notebook. Sure, I could standardize it and always get/use the same brand/size of book, but life is unique. Not same same all the time. That would be boring. That’s not my style. I love to mix things up.
I think that’s why I’m okay with living in others’ homes for now. That I can mix up my routine a bit, but what I do need is my personal space and time. -
As an entrepreneur, which I know I’ll always be because it’s just in my DNA, I haven’t been really able to pause here. I actually haven’t had a proper vacation this year. I haven’t had real time off. Consecutive time to rest, reflect, rejuvenate. Spain did feel like a bit of this, but I was also just getting out of a big life transition. A big loss. A separation from my best friend.
I hope we can still be friends one day.